Why  is  it  that  some  people  start  life  with  nothing  and  eventually  become  successful  financially  while  others  start  with  something  and   ended  up  with  nothing.

The simple answer is the level of financial independence of each individual.

There is no independence quite so important as FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE.

In achieving this there is need to determine your level of financial independence which is your individual net worth.

The first step is to know your NET WORTH i.e what you own and what you owe at  a point in time. Birthday, End of year etc.

ASSETS are what you own.

  • Liquid Assets e.g cash at hand, cash in the bank fixed deposit, treasury bills etc
  • Investment Assets e.g Shares, Real estate, govt bonds, commercial papers.
  • Personal Assets e.g Clothes, shoes, houses in the village and the one you live in, cars except for commercial purposes.

Passive incomes are assets working for you while you work for yourself  and they are are Liquid and Investment assets.

Sources are interest rates on fixed deposit, dividend, royalties, rents paid to you.

Active income is what you earn from working everyday e.g employment, trading

LIABILITIES are what you owe third party.

Usually  what you are owing that is due within one year.

e.g Rent, School fees, association dues



Net worth is Assets minus Liabilities.

The result is the level of your financial independence.

This should be calculated yearly to form the basis for financial planning.

Financial independence is achieved by paying attention to Liquid assets and Investment.

Personal assets do not contribute to your net worth but they form the bedrock for investment and liquid asset.


  • Control Expenditure and block leakages.
  • Save
  • Seek financial advises
  • Invest wisely


  • Make it a habit to save before spending or pay yourself first and develop a habit of saving regularly.
  • Make it a habit to keep a daily money log; to write it down anytime you spend or receive money.
  • Make it a habit to prepare a monthly budget or spending plan and stick to it.
  • Make it a habit to have a funding plan for your main (infrequent) expenses by setting apart the required money from your income.
  • Make it a habit to spend money wisely by prioritizing your expenses into necessities, niceties and superfluities.


What  I  learnt in  life  was  that  in  order to  achieve  great  success you  must become  a  special  kind  of person. To  rise  above  majority,  you  must  develop  qualities  and  discipline  that  the average  person  lacks.

The  most  important factor  in  achieving great  financial  success is  not  money  but  the  kind  of person  you  have  to  become  to earn  that  money  and  then  hold  on  to  it.

The  good  news  is  that  many  people  start  with  nothing . Today, there are  many  ten hundred  and  million millionaires  even billionaires  who  started  with  nothing. In fact  it  is put at 90 %.

Also many  of  them  fail  many  times  before  they  find  their  feet. According to  Brian Tracy  there are  about  21  secrets  of  financial  independence



When  you  learnt  what  those  who  are  successful  do  you will get  the  same  result.

1. Dream  Big Dreams

You  must  have  a  dream  before  you can  make  your dream  come  true. If you  want  to make  a dream  come  true, then you must dream first.

This is the beginning of  financial independence, Create  a  vision for  yourself  for a  long  term  future. Fantasize  about  the  kind  of  life  you  will  want  to  live.

The  clearer  your  vision of  health, happiness  and prosperity  the faster you will move  towards  it, and the faster it will move towards you.

2. Develop a clear  sense  of  direction

According to Thomas  Carlyle: A person   with  a  clear  purpose  will  make  progress  on even  the  roughest  road. A person  with  no  purpose  will  make  no  progress  even  on the  smoothest  road.

What ever  you  think  about  most  of the time  grows  and  increases in your life, also talking about it, visualizing your goals -you tend to accomplish  it far  more  than  the  average person  who  is usually  thinking  and  talking  about  his  or her worries  and  problems most  of  the  time.

Plans  are  never  realized  because  of  procrastination and delay. Write the  goals  down  and  break  them down  into  actions.

Do   something  everyday   that  moves  you  at  least  one step  closer  to your  most  important  goal.


3. See self as Self Employed

According  to  William  Henley  ‘’ I am  the  captain  of  my  soul ‘’ I am the  master  of  my  fate.

Accept  100% responsibility  for  everything  you  are  and  everything  you  will ever  be. Refuse to  make  excuses  or  to  blame  other  people  for your  problems  or shortcomings.

Stop complaining  about  things  in your  life   that  you  are not happy about, instead  redefine your goals  and  move  towards  it.


4. Do What You Love To Do

This  is one  of the  great  secrets  of  Financial  Success , you  have to find  out  what you love  doing.

What  you  have   a  natural  talent  for  and  then  throw  your whole  heart  into  doing  it.

Self made  millionaires  are  those  who  have  found  a  field  where  their natural  strengths  and  abilities  are  exactly  what  is  required to do  a  job  and  achieve desired result.

Here  is  a  question  to assess  yourself , ‘’If  you win a  million  dollars  tax  free  tomorrow’’ , would  you  continue  to  do what  you are currently  doing?

I wish you all financial success.

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